by NanoHealth

Health & Fitness


AED Hospital is the first Endocrine Treatment and Research Center in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. It is started in April 2010 by Qualified Endocrinologist with a Vision to Enhance Quality of Life in patients with Hormonal Disorders. The main focus is educating people regarding effects of (idleness and/or laziness) sedentary lifestyle, motivating them to follow healthy lifestyle, with healthy diet. The main key in the success of AEDH is prescribing (titrating) correct drug (hormonal) dosage. AED was accepted and appreciated by many patients within a short period of time. This is possible only because of our patients who recommended several of their friends and relatives across the country and global (bangalore , pune, U.S and U.K too) , there by helping AEDHs development and success within a short period of time without any advertisement.